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Develop creative solutions to problems.

Designing a solution is a key aspect of any project that creates a product or other solution. It defines how a customer (consumer or company) interacts with our product and provides key insight into how our organization is perceived. The key to designing a solution is often the creative process, devoid of performance measures, and thus more difficult to measure. 


Struktura metodyki

DTMethod®, pomagając używać Design Thinking w organizacjach, opiera się na trzech filarach: DTModel, DTTools oraz DTRules & Roles.

DTRules & Roles to zbiór zasad, które uwzględniają koncentrację na człowieku (Human-centered design) w trakcie projektowania rozwiązania. DTRules & Roles tworzą ustrukturyzowany ekosystem, który pomaga przejść przez proces opisany przez DTModel. Obejmuje to różne tematy, w tym zespoły, osoby, role i ich interakcję przy użyciu aktywnego i iteracyjnego podejścia do zastosowania metodyki DTMethod.

DTModel wskazuje i strukturyzuje trzy fazy procesu projektowania: fazę eksploracyjną, fazę kreatywnąi fazę konstrukcyjną. Jest to kluczowa część procesu opartego na iteracji, która pozwala na ustrukturyzowane projektowania rozwiązania.

DTTools to narzędzia, które pozwalają zagłębić się w perspektywę użytkownika: aby zrozumieć, kim jest. DTTools dają sposób na wykorzystanie tej wiedzy do analizy potrzeb, co umożliwi generowanie pomysłów odpowiadających na te potrzeby. Narzędzia wskazują sposoby prototypowania, czyli nadawania pomysłom fizycznego charakteru oraz testowania, czyli sprawdzenia, czy prototypowany pomysł jest odpowiedni dla użytkowników.

Korzyści płynące z używania metodyki Design Thinking (DTMethod)

  • zmniejsza ryzyko dla organizacji, pomagając ocenić, czy projekt jest wykonalny przed wykonaniem prac i zaangażowaniem zespołu projektowego (project management),
  • redukcja kosztów w procesie zarządzania projektem: mniej zmian w projekcie wynikających z informacji zwrotnych od interesariuszy,
  • zwiększenie korzyści uzyskiwanych przez produkty, procesy i usługi tworzone w procesach zarządzania projektami poprzedzonych Design Thinking,
  • zmniejszenie poczucia niepewności dotyczącego czasu trwania i poziomu zaangażowania ludzi w proces Design Thinking,
  • umożliwienie włączenia Design Thinking do rutynowej działalności projektowej,
  • przygotowanie pracowników do efektywnej pracy podczas warsztatów Design Thinking,
  • podniesienie prawdopodobieństwa stworzenia bardzo dobrego rozwiązania.
DTMethod Foundation


Naucz się jak projektować dobre rozwiązania używając DTMethod®

Agile, Experience Design, Project Management
Dla kogo jest Design Thinking?

Osoby z kilku obszarów mogą być szczególnie zainteresowane metodyką Design Thinking:

  • Menadżerowie projektu (project managerowie)
  • Agenci zmiany
  • Twórcy produktów (developerzy)
  • Facylitatorzy
  • Mistrzowie SCRUM (SCRUM Masterzy)
  • Właściciele produktów (Product Ownerzy)
  • Osoby zarządzające zmianą

Wszystkie te role odpowiadają za rozpoczęcie, przeprowadzenie i sukces projektu. Wymaga to metodyki, która wspiera proces zbierania danych wejściowych i tworzenia opisu rezultatu projektu. Design Thinking, poprzez DTMethod, pomoże tym rolom tworzyć wizję zmiany, opis produktu projektu, backlog projektu i listę wymagań projektowych.


Dostępne poziomy metodyki Design Thinking

Cetyfikacja DTMethod Foundation obejmuje:

  • Egzamin trwający 40 minut,
  • Test wyboru (z jedną prawidłową odpowiedzią w każdym pytaniu),
  • 50 pytań,
  • 33 punkty wymagane do uzyskania certyfikatu,
  • Zdawanie bez możliwości korzystania z książek i notatek.
DTMethod Professional Digital Badge

DTMethod® Professional

The Professional level qualification aims to measure whether the candidate has sufficient knowledge...

Agile, Experience Design, Project Management
Who is DTMethod Professional for?

The DTMethod Professional training is addressed to designers who want to learn new tools and deepen their competences in conducting stakeholder research. The outcome of the training is:

  • Improved interviewing skills (in-depth and contextual)
  • Improving questionnaire design skills
  • Improving observation skills
  • Learning about new tools useful in the difference phases of the DTModel.

The Practitioner level is aimed at:

  • Project Managers
  • Change Agents
  • Product Developers
  • Facilitators
  • Product Owners
Exam format
  • 2.5 hour exam
  • 80 questions
  • Pass mark – 50% (40/80)
  • The examination is to be taken with the support of the DTMethod Workbook and the Design Thinking Basics: an introduction to the DTMethod book.

DTMethod® Facilitator

Learn how to design good solutions using the DTMethod®

Agile, Experience Design, Project Management
Who is DTMethod Facilitator for?

The DTMethod® Facilitator Certification Scheme supports the learning requirements of individuals and organizations who want to facilitate design thinking meeting using the DTMethod® methodology.

The target audience includes all working professionals that are required to use facilitate design thinking meetings. 

Exam Format

DTMethod Facilitator Foundation certification comprises:

40 minute exam 

Multiple choice

50 questions

33 required to pass

Closed book

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Zaawansowane ustawienia

SFIA Framework

Visit SFIA
The SFIA Framework is the global common reference for skills and competency for the digital world
SFIA is a globally recognised framework that “identifies skills needed for the Information age”. This APMG certification has been mapped against the SFIA Framework to help you see which certifications are most relevant to your professional development.
This certification confirms (endorsement)
Generic attribute Knowledge up to level 3, Business Situation Analysis up to level 3, Feasibility Assessment level 3
This certification would be useful for (development)
Same as above plus Business Situation Analysis level 4, Feasibility Assessment level 4, Systems Design level 4


Header Image for Analytics Translation certification

Analytics Translation

Learn to identify and communicate the right data and AI solutions for corporate problems

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Strategy Implementation Product Page Image

Strategy Implementation Professional (SIP)

Become a certified strategy implementation specialist.

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Suited man pointing at a graph

Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma Certification will help you improve processes and do it continuously

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What is DTMethod?

DTMethod allows you to easily introduce Design Thinking into your organization and take advantage of this approach. Design Thinking is an approach to creating solutions. Thanks to the use of Design Thinking in the pre-project phase (or during project management), teams design products, services and processes that have a positive impact on the stakeholders (including users) of these solutions. Those solutions have positive impact on the functioning of the organization as well.

Find out more here.

Do I have to receive training to sit the exam?

Yes, training is mandatory. The full list of DTMethod ATOs can be found at apmg-international.com/apmg-atos.

How can I train for the DTMethod examinations?

Training for DTMethod is available from the network of Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) who are assessed and certified by APMG-International. The full list of DTMethod ATOs can be found at apmg-international.com/apmg-atos. Only these organizations and registered partners/affiliates are authorized to deliver DTMethod training.

How do I sit the exam(s)?

Accredited Training Organizations (ATOs) usually include the examination as part of their training course – please check with your ATO before booking.

How much does it cost to sit the DTMethod examination?

If you are sitting the examination through an accredited training organization, the cost of the exam is generally included in the course fee but please check with your training provider at the time of booking.

Are there any pre-requisites for the DTMethod examinations?

The only pre-requisite for the DTMethod Foundation exam is to have attended an accredited DTMethod Foundation training course.

What are the main publications for DTMethod and where can I purchase them?

The core guidance for the DTMethod Foundation exams is the DTMethod: Designing Right Solutions manual, which is available to candidates who purchase the exam.

Which languages are the DTMethod examinations available in?

The Foundation examination is available in English.

Which languages is the DTMethod manual available in?

The core guidance is available in English and Polish.

How long will it take to learn the DTMethod material?

The Foundation course is delivered over 3 days.

Can I take any books or supporting materials into the exam?

No, the exam is closed book.

Is there a sample paper that I can practice on?

Yes, all candidates can access a sample exam paper to practice on via the Candidate Portal. Access to the Candidate Portal is given once your ATO has registered your exam date and time with APMG.

How long are the DTMethod qualifications valid for?

The DTMethod Foundation certification does not expire.

When can I expect the results of my DTMethod examinations?

DTMethod Foundation examinations can be marked at the end of your exam with provisional results provided. APMG will issue formal notification of your exam result once your exam paper has been received back into our office. All results will be made available in your Candidate Portal.

When will I receive my certificate?

Candidates will be able to claim their digital badge and electronic certificate from their APMG Candidate Portal within two business days of their exam result being issued.

What is a DTMethod digital badge?

Digital badges allow you to easily showcase your achievements online.

When you pass an exam - you'll instantly have the option to claim a digital badge representing your new certificate.

Your badge can be embedded on an email signature, website, social media or digital CV. With just one click employers, customers and clients can easily view and verify your credentials and skills.

Please download our digital sharing presentation for more information.

How do I claim my DTMethod digital badge?

Once you’ve been notified that you’ve passed your exam - you will have the option to create a digital badge in APMG's Candidate Portal.

Visit APMG's Candidate Portal, view your exam results and select 'Create Badge'.

This takes you to the Acclaim by Credly website where the digital badges are hosted. You will be guided through the Acclaim account creation process.

Once you have created an account with Acclaim - login into the account and accept your pending badge.

How do I access my digital badge and/or certificate?

You can always access all your electronic certificates and badges via the APMG Candidate Portal. Once you have logged on to the Candidate Portal, click on the ‘Badges and Certificates’ option from the menu bar at the top of screen. From here you should click on the ‘Create Badge/Certificate’ button. This will take you to the Credly platform to create an account and download your badge and certificate.

Step-by-step guidance is available to download from the ‘Badges and Certificates’ area in your Candidate Portal.

Electronic certificates are environmentally friendly, but you can print the certificate yourself at home or work, if required.

If you have any problems with accessing your digital certificate, please contact our Customer Interaction Team - servicedesk@apmg-international.com

What are the pass marks for the DTMethod examinations?

Pass marks for the DTMethod examinations are as follows:

  • Foundation: You will need to score 33 to pass the foundation exam.

How do I become a DTMethod trainer?

To be eligible to apply to become a DTMethod trainer, individuals must hold the certificate for the course that you wish to teach. All trainers must be ‘sponsored’ by an APMG accredited training organization. To find out more about becoming a trainer, please contact your local APMG representative: apmg-international.com/contact

How do I become a DTMethod accredited training organization (ATO)?

An organization wishing to become a DTMethod ATO must first contact our Service Desk . They will put you in touch with your local busines development manager who can discuss the accreditation process with you. 

Can I use the DTMethod scheme logo?

Only organizations licensed to do so are allowed to use the DTMethod scheme logo. Such organizations include DTMethod ATOs (Accredited Training Organizations) who have been approved by APMG-International. Individuals are not permitted to use the DTMethod scheme logo, however, all individuals who pass the exam are awarded with a digital badge which can be shared on social media and embedded into your CV/resume.


DTMethod® (metodyka Design Thinking)

Please tell us your training requirements and we'll find you a training provider


Please provide your company details to begin your journey to becoming accredited


Certyfikaty i Rozwiązania

Accredited Training Organizations


Akredytowani Dostawcy Szkoleń

Certifications & Solutions

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